
负责人: 公共安全部
Related Law & Policy:   宠物上班政策


这项政策适用于所有员工, faculty, students and visitors of 足球波胆平台 and provides rules and guidelines for bringing animals on University property.


足球波胆平台 welcomes animals on campus consistent with the procedures outlined in this policy, 但如果动物造成干扰,可能会将其排除在校园之外, threatens the health or safety of others or otherwise fails to meet the criteria set forth in this policy.


Handler. 主人:动物的主人和负责人.

Pet. 为普通用途和陪伴而饲养的动物.  服务性动物和支持性动物不被视为宠物.

服务的动物. 美国残疾人法案(ADA)定义了服务性动物 as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. 这种工作或任务的例子包括引导盲人, 提醒聋人, 拉轮椅, 警示和保护癫痫发作的人, 提醒精神病患者服用处方药物, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, 或履行其他职责. 服务性动物是工作动物,不是宠物. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.” 

训练中的服务动物. An animal who is participating in a formal program to learn how to become a 服务的动物.  服务的动物 in Training are allowed on campus to the same extent and subject to the same limitations as 服务的动物.

情感支持动物(ESA). An ESA is an animal that is prescribed to a student with a disability by a healthcare or mental health professional and is necessary to afford the student with an equal opportunity to use and enjoy on-campus housing.


服务的动物 are permitted to accompany people with disabilities in all areas of University facilities, 包括校内住宿和学生所在的地方, 公众人士, 和其他服务参与者, programs, 或者活动是允许去的.

A 服务的动物 must be trained so that it controls its waste elimination, 缺席疾病或意外. The handler must maintain control of the 服务的动物 at all times by a harness, leash, 或者其他系绳, or by voice, signals or other effective means if the handler is unable to hold control devices, or such use would interfere with the 服务的动物’s performance of work or tasks.

足球波胆平台不需要文件, 比如证明动物已经通过认证, trained, 或者获得服务性动物的执照.  University employees may only ask two questions of the Handler to determine whether the animal qualifies as a 服务的动物:
  1. 是否因为残疾而需要动物?
  2. 动物被训练去做什么工作或任务?
An Emotional Support Animal is prescribed by a mental health provider and selected to play an integral part of a person’s treatment process that demonstrates a good temperament and reliable, 可预测的行为. The office of 学生无障碍服务 (SAS) requires that the student with an ESA engage in “active and on-going treatment” in order to qualify as a student who can keep an ESA on the 足球波胆平台 campus. ESA不是服务性动物, 而且不像服务性动物, an ESA does not assist a person with a disability with activities of daily living, 它也不会陪伴残疾人走出家门. An ESA is protected by the 公平住房法 and therefore is only allowed in the student’s assigned living space.

With respect to a request for a service animal or 情感支持动物(ESA), SAS将决定, 具体情况具体分析, 并符合适用的法律法规, 这些动物在校园里是否有合理的住宿. In doing so, 足球波胆平台 must balance the needs of the individual with the impact of animals on campus community members.

Where it is not readily apparent that an animal is a service animal as defined by the ADA or an ESA under the 公平住房法, 足球波胆平台 may require sufficient information and documentation to determine whether the animal qualifies as a service animal or ESA under the applicable law. Letters purchased from the internet for a set price rarely provide the information necessary to support an ESA request.

足球波胆平台 requires that the documentation be provided on the letterhead of a treating physician or mental health provider, 这使得足球波胆平台可以确定:
  • 学生有残疾需要动物来治疗.
  • How the animal assists the student, including whether the animal has undergone any training.
  • The nexus between the student’s disability and the assistance that the animal provides.
欢迎宠物使用校园的公共户外空间, subject to certain restrictions including the athletic fields and graduation.  Where pets are permitted on campus, handlers are expected to clean up after their animals.  参观校园的宠物必须用皮带拴住, tether, or harness that does not exceed six feet in length at all times and may not be left unattended or tied to any objects.  所有由动物造成的损害都是饲养员的责任. 

维护安全,避免破坏, pets are not allowed inside buildings or other indoor spaces owned or controlled by the University.

Handlers must comply with the following provisions regarding the behavior and care of animals on campus:
  • 不允许携带危险、有毒或非法的动物.
  • The behavior, noise, odor, and waste of the animal must not exceed reasonable standards and these factors must not create an unreasonable disruption for community members (including staff, faculty, 学生及/或住院医师).
  • 适用于接种疫苗的州和地方要求, licensure, 控制控制, 适用清洁规则和动物卫生.
  • 动物必须身体健康,保持良好的卫生.
  • Ensures that animal waste is cleaned up immediately and disposed of properly.
  • 不时地, 大学可能会使用杀虫剂, 防治虫鼠装置, 除冰材料, 清洁用品, and other materials for the maintenance and operation of University facilities. The University is not responsible for any harm to animals on campus caused by such materials.
  • 主人/训导员对动物负有经济责任, 包括任何由动物造成的身体伤害或财产损失.


This policy does not apply to animals used in approved University research or animals used for academic or educational purposes in the classroom. 

The University may impose additional restrictions on the presence of animals in certain locations or at particular events.

大学可能会邀请动物到校园参加特定的活动,例如.e. Fidos决赛.

Exceptions to this policy must be submitted to the Director of Public Safety for approval. 

