
Residential students may park only in the lot designated by their permit. Commuting students must park only in lots designated for commuter students. Parking in an unauthorized area or in a lot for which the car is not permitted could result in a ticket and/or the towing of the vehicle. Any ticket or towing charges will be the responsibility of the vehicle owner/operator. All questions regarding on-campus parking may be directed to the Department of 公共安全, 莱特街208号., 262.524.7300.

Carroll reserves the right to revoke the parking permit and/or refuse to issue any future parking permits to individuals who exhibit a history of repeated offenses, endanger others or damage university property by the careless use of a motor vehicle. Carroll also reserves the right to refuse the issuance of a parking permit to any individual.

General classification of no parking areas include, but are not limited to:

  1. Parking allowed only in marked parking stalls.
  2. 禁止停车:
    • 在草地上.
    • 在道路.
    • 在消防通道.
    • 在残疾人, 保留, 服务, 装货区, guest/visitor or other special areas without the appropriate permit or authorization for that area.
    • In any area marked or painted red or posted "No Parking."
    • 行人人行横道, 车道, on sidewalks or in any manner that impedes pedestrian or vehicle traffic flow.
    • Any area not marked as a parking stall.
  3. No parking between 2-6 a.m. is allowed in lots 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 25 without permission.
  4. Gas-driven vehicles are not allowed to be parked or driven in any building not designated as a garage. Violations could cause the vehicle to be impounded and the owner fined.
  5. During snow removal efforts, you might be asked to temporarily vacate a particular lot. Notices asking you to move your vehicle will be posted prior to snow removal. Vehicles not moved will be subject to ticketing and towing at owner’s expense.
  6. Certain lots or spaces might be 保留 on a temporary basis for special visitors or special events. Do not park in these areas or you will be ticketed, regardless of permit.
  7. The fact that a person parks in violation of any law, ordinance or regulation and does not receive a citation does not mean that the law, ordinance or regulation is no longer in effect.
  8. The university assumes no responsibility for the care and protection of any vehicle or its contents at any time while it is operated or parked on land and property of the university. All vehicles should be locked when left unattended.
  9. The university is authorized to provide for the removal of a motor vehicle under certain circumstances, including but not limited to:
    • If a motor vehicle is parked in such a manner as to block a driveway or other motor vehicles, block a 服务 entrance, create a hazard to public safety, impede construction and/or maintenance requirements or block pedestrian traffic.
    • If a motor vehicle is parked in an area where "No Parking" signs are situated, in an area which is otherwise reasonably designated to prohibit parking or in an area where parking is not reasonably intended (i.e. 人行道、草坪等.).
    • If an excessive amount of parking violation notifications have been issued on a motor vehicle or owner/operator.
    • If a vehicle is determined to be abandoned.
    • If a vehicle or person receives in excess of five valid parking violations from the university. Upon the removal and/or impounding of a motor vehicle, under the above conditions, a towing charge and additional storage and/or impound fee will be assessed by the removing agency/or the university in addition to any other violation penalty that might be assessed by the university and/or the city of 沃基肖.
  10. The use of a car cover by resident students that completely obscures the Carroll-issued parking permit and/or the license plates on a vehicle must receive prior approval from the director of public safety.
Panoramic View of campus